Declutter Underwear, Pants and Bras
This can be a very easy and a very difficult challenge at the same time.
Underwear can cost a lot and it hurts me to part with it even when it no longer fits because it has stretched or my shape has changed. Old bras can go to good new homes though:
Oxfam want old bras, they get sold in the UK charity shops or sent to Senegal.
Smalls for All sends your old bras and new pants you don’t need to Africa because many women and children in Africa fall victim to disease and attack because of lack of it.
Marks & Spencer will take old bras and other items of clothing and soft furnishings in their Shwop scheme which is in collaboration with Oxfam.
John Lewis do not offer bra recycling in every store but it is work checking with them if you have one close by.
Men don’t get away with not doing this challenge, these questions apply to all types of underwear:
- Does it fit well?
- Does it make me feel good?
- Is it comfortable?
- Is it scratchy?
- Does it dig in anywhere?
- Has it got holes in it?
- Has it got bit’s missing (bra straps!)
- Do I wear it?
- Is it too delicate to wear?
- Has it stretched too much?
- Is it just sad and sorry and needs to be sent to the great lingerie shop in the sky as soon as possible?
Dip into that underwear drawer and find 5 things you don’t need in your life any more.