How a morning routine sets you up for a good day

Image by Basil Smith from Pixabay

Everyone has experienced mornings where it is just impossible to get out of the door on time. You can’t find your work pass, your keys have gone missing and there are kids whose shoes aren’t where they left them.

Creating a morning routine for yourself helps to bypass the morning chaos and puts you in a good headspace to tackle the day ahead. Here are some tips to help you create a morning routine that will work for you.

Having a structured routine in the morning really can set you up for a great day. Reducing stress overall is great for your health and the morning is a good place to start. By walking out the door feeling calmer and ready for the day, your stress levels are reduced.

Stress causes your cortisol to rise which can have adverse health effects. Cortisol raises your blood sugar which can lead to weight gain, high blood pressure, digestion issues and headaches. Reduced cortisol levels can help you to think more clearly and be more productive throughout the day.

Elements of an effective routine

An effective morning routine will look different for each individual. First, figure out how much time you will need in the mornings to get ready without rushing. Work backwards from your commute and set your alarm accordingly. Try to avoid snoozing your alarm – you will wake up late and in a panic.

Make sure you have time for something to eat as well. A nutritious meal, even if it is something small, helps you feel alert and satisfied.

Some people swear by exercising before their day begins, whereas others prefer it as a stressbuster in the evenings. If you are a morning runner, for example, plan your route the night before so you can get up and go.

Tips for being consistent

It can be easy to let your morning routine slip, leaving you back where you started. Visual learners may appreciate having their routine written out with timings. In the beginning, this will help to keep you moving and will eventually become a habit.

Take a look at your environment. Sometimes it can hinder your productivity in the mornings. Bedrooms can be cluttered places, meaning things get lost or misplaced which isn’t conducive for getting out the door. Make sure your wardrobe space is up to scratch and make a habit of organising your clothes so you can find everything easily when you are getting ready.

Personalisation and flexibility

Creating the perfect morning routine does require some trial and error. You might find that you need to change the order of things or even move activities into other parts of your day. Showering, for example, may need to be part of your nightly routine so you can decompress and save time in the morning.

The same goes for breakfast. Whilst you should still eat this in the morning, there are plenty of tasty recipes that you can prepare in advance to save time.