Things to do for free on uninspiring winter weekends
In a nutshell – a few ideas for things to do on a uninspiring winters weekend. None of them involve money, some need no energy at all. I’ve added some to keep kids amused too!
Staying warm:
- make a cosy winter corner with a comfortable chair and a warm blanket, settle in by the fire for a good read.
- nap with a hot water bottle (or cat!)
- draw the curtains to stop the drafts and save money while staying warm
Perfect viewing that isn’t mindless
- watch a random TED lecture
- watch a free film from the British Film Institute
- learn how to speak with received pronunciation by watching clips on British Pathé TV
- take a bath
- make a facemask out of cupboard ingredients
- soak your feet in a bucket of hot water
Leaving the house
- Go for a walk, even if it’s just around the block, even if it’s raining. It will be great when you get home.
- Meet a friend for a chat in the park, take a flask of tea to share
- Go bird spotting, look at the trees and spots signs of spring.
- Can you find just one thing on a shelf you don’t need or love?
- Have you got winter clothes that could help homeless people?
- Are there scarves, socks, shoes or hats you no longer need?
- Can you find just one thing on a shelf you don’t need or love?
- Use up what you have in the kitchen and cook something new
- Check out a new recipe site for other ideas.
- If you have the ingredients and the energy to cook with kids here are some great ideas
Keeping young people entertained
- Buy some time by putting on cartoons
- Make cornflower slime that is a non-Newtonian fluid
- Play the lava game