How to Draught-Proof your Home and Save a Ton of Money
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Draught-proofing may sound like a lot of time and effort, but this is not the case at all. It is actually really easy for you to get the whole thing done for a relatively affordable price and the best thing is you can do most of it yourself as well!
Doing your Doors
Draughts often come through outside doors and this can cost you a lot in terms of your energy bills. You may find that you have to turn your heating on way more than you need and you may also find it difficult to keep the heat in your home as well. When draught-proofing your door, the first place you need to start is your keyhole. It helps to buy a cover, as this will drop a metal disc over the keyhole and stop any breeze from coming through. If you have a letterbox then consider getting a brush or even a flap, so that you can stop it from rattling and making your home colder than it needs to be. Other options include draught excluders and even foam fittings that run around the edges of the door. You can easily do all of this with UK oak doors and it is a great way for you to really save money. If you want to stop air from escaping between the rooms that are in your home, then try and keep them closed and consider getting a draught excluder installed on them as well.
Fireplaces and Other Heat Sources
If you don’t use your fireplace at all then there is a high chance that your chimney is channelling a lot of heat out of your home. There are a couple of ways that you can stop your chimney from doing this, the first way would be for you to fit a cap on the chimney pot. You can have a professional do this for you, or you can do it yourself. You can also go out and buy an excluder, either way, they are both very efficient at stopping the heat from leaving your home.
Flooring and Cracks
If you have cracks in your flooring then it’s very easy for you to squirt some filler into the gaps. Skirting boards often expand and contract with everyday use, so when you are looking for a crack filler, it helps to find one that is able to tolerate some movement. These tend to be silicone based, so try and find some decorator’s caulk, flexible filler or even a mastic-based product. Fillers are great because they come in a huge range of different colours, and they do fill gaps permanently so make sure that you wipe off any excess over time before it dries off. This will save you a lot of time and it will also save you a lot of worrying when you are doing the whole thing yourself. You’d be surprised at how much heat you can lose through your floor, and those big cracks do tend to make a big difference.