Medical Monday
Good morning lovely Less-Stuffers (that means everyone, in case you were afraid it didn’t include you!) and welcome to Dina Day. Now, as many of you already know, I am languishing at Her Majesty’s pleasure in Hospital – ok, that may not be completely accurate but if you consider that I can’t go home yet and the food leaves much to be desired, I think you could forgive me for being confused!
But, dear followers, my incarceration is your gain as I have the perfect decluttering challenge for you all.
Hold on to your hats for Medical Monday. I’m sure most of us have a drawer, cupboard or box where we keep a First Aid kit of sorts, leftover packs and bottles of painkillers, cough medicine and prescription medication. So, today’s the day to drag it all out and give it a good old sort out. Be ruthless!
Those out of date medications need to go – but don’t throw them in the bin, nor down the drain. Dispose of them properly by taking them to your local pharmacy. While you are in the pharmacy, perhaps it would be a good idea to buy some of the bits and pieces that are missing from your First Aid Kit.
And, what about your first aid skills? Do they need updating? If so, book a place on a first aid course in your area. It could help you save a life one day.

Dina Days!
Dina was a member of the less-stuff community who, with her unusual sense of humour, has discovered a flair for writing amusing decluttering challenges, which we call 'Dina Days'. She died after a short illness but gaveĀ me permission to put her words of wisdom on the website. I'm honoured to be able to keep her with us in this way. Lisa