Decluttering Haiku for World Poetry Day
World Poetry Day is on the 21st March and last year, in the less-stuff Facebook group we had a play around with decluttering Haiku.
Haiku is supposed to be 5 syllables, then 7, then 5. One of these has a syllable missing but it is so beautiful I’m calling that a syllable decluttered.
These are mine
I never used it
Although it was a bargain
It became clutter
A home filled with stuff
And I can’t find anything
Time to declutter
So nice in the shop
In reality useless
Declutter it now
Thea came up with
I bought 3 for 2
But I only needed one
Clutter, all I see
But the Less Stuff group helps me
So I do not flee!
Jenny had
If you love it, no
need to let it go, if not
release for others
Anna wrote
I loved it until
I owned it
And then it became
As nothing
Yoko thought out of the box
and wrote a song that can be sung to the tune of Frozen’s Let it Go…
“Let it go, Let it go, More clutter has been gone! I don’t care what they are going to say, I like sorting stuff…. Less Stuff doesn’t bother me anyway!”
and Angela wrote
Though I still love you
Off to the charity shop
To be born again