Let’s Go To The Seaside! How To Create A Small Beach Garden

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In a lot of ways, the word ‘beach’ and the word ‘garden’ are complete opposites. Beaches have sand, for example, whereas gardens use grass. The coast is lined by the sea, whereas the only water feature an outdoor space has is a fountain. And, the seaside has gulls while homes have slugs and caterpillars. Still, it doesn’t mean that the style isn’t something property owners want to recreate. After all, it should give off a holiday home vibe, which is pretty cool. So, without further ado, here are the coastal garden tips you want to know.
Borrow Inspiration
The first thing to do is to look at beaches and analyse what makes them unique. Is it the sand or the sea or the rugged shoreline? All three of these things have an impact, but don’t underestimate the role of beach flowers and plants. Usually, the greenery is wild and not well-maintained. Plus, the plants themselves are synonymous with the seaside. Hydrangeas, for example, are easy to spot regardless of the country or resort. Also, try and implement the right colours. There aren’t many vivid blues and greens but lots of golden browns and blondes. A shed never goes unmissed, either.

Ocean View Nature Close-up Flower Ocean Sea Grass
Use Grasses In Boxes
The beach screams hot, sunny days in the middle of summer, and that is something you want to create. In Britain, it’s never easy because the weather doesn’t comply yet it’s still possible. The trick is to buy grasses that are bleached and to put them into boxes around the garden. Remember that the wilder, the better. As soon as you see the long strains of pasture sticking out, it will instantly remind you of childhood days by the beach. If you prefer, you can use troughs instead of boxes. Whatever is lying around is perfect.
Do It Yourself Fence
If someone asked, ‘what reminds you of the seaside,’ a fence would be at the top of the list. Okay, it may not be as far up as sea or sand, but it would be in the top ten. A beach house is a perfect example because it uses a fence to separate the garden from the beach. Usually, the barriers are makeshift pieces of wood that are old, rotting and unequal in length. The great news is that this style is easy to get with railway sleepers because they are weathered and sun-bleached. Plus, they look like driftwood. Just turn them to a vertical base and line them across of the border of the property.
Decorate With Castaways
Things often wash up on the shore, and this stuff is what gives a beach its charm. You already have a driftwood-like ornament thanks to the fence, but there are others. For instance, shells look amazingly stylish and seasonal at the same time. And, there is use for leftover metals too as lots of iron and steel come ashore. To go one step further, you can add a Wilson football and go for a Tom Hanks theme!
What are your thoughts? Is a beach garden appealing?